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Vermont Arts Council

Organizations Knowledge Center

For general nonprofit management information, we recommend Common Good Vermont, the National Council of Nonprofits and the Management Library and their extensive online libraries of resources. 


We have an extensive compilation of accessibility resources for organization’s here. 

Boards and Governance

Boards and Governance from Common Good Vermont 

Governance & Leadership from the National Council of Nonprofits 

Nonprofit Board Development webinar by Katherine Sims, presented by the Southern Vermont Economy Project. Additional resources and webinar slides. 

Board training and development articles from Andy Robinson’s “Train Your Board” blog  

Climate Action

The Arts and Environmental Sustainability: A Guide to Key Areas from Advisory Board for the Arts

Julie’s Bicycle. A nonprofit organization mobilizing arts and culture to take action on the climate, nature and justice crisis

Art + Climate Action. Resources for building a sustainable art world

Climate Smart Humanities Organizations Grant Program. A National Endowment for the Humanities grant program for organizational assessments that lead to strategic climate action and adaptation plans.

Sustaining Cultural Heritage Collections Grant Program. A National Endowment for the Humanities grant program to help cultural institutions environmentally sustainable preventive care measures that mitigate deterioration, prolong the useful life of collections, reduce energy consumption, and strengthen institutions’ ability to anticipate and respond to disasters.

Efficiency Vermont.  Efficiency Vermont offers education, incentives and support for organizatiosn to transiiotn to low carbon energy use

Elective Pay Explainer. The IRS allows applicable entities, including tax-exempt organizations, to benefit from clean energy tax credits.

Drive Electric Vermont. Resources EV charging and fleet vehicle opportunities

Community and Economic Development

Rural Prosperity through the Arts & Creative Sector (2019) from the National Governors Association 

Americans for the Arts’ Social Impact Explorer tool includes extensive research and case making about the power of the arts to build healthy communities. 

Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development  

Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing 

Vermont and Federal Tax Credits  

Vermont Community Designation Programs 

Think Vermont– Department of Economic Development’s hub 

Creative Placemaking

Better Places is a crowdgranting program for placemaking projects run by Vermont’s Agency of Commerce and Community Development  

Creative Placemaking Resources from the National Endowment for the Arts  

Creative Placemaking Public Resources Guide is a guide for federal programs that can support creative placemaking initiatives 

Creative Placemaking Toolkit from the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) 

Digital Programming

Digital Accessibility Webinars with Inclusive Arts Vermont (recordings) 

Technical Assistance Webinars with Media Factory (recordings) 

Vermont Law School’s Streaming Rights Clearance Guide 

Websites, Online Marketing, and Legal Considerations with Vermont Small Business Development Center (recordings) 

Disaster Resilience and Emergency Preparedness

Vermont Arts & Culture Disaster and Resilience Network (VACDaRN) is a partnership of the Vermont Arts Council and the VT State Archives and Records Administration. Resources for arts organizations can be found on the VACDaRN website here 

Performing Arts Readiness Project: Trainings and resources to support arts organizations in disaster and emergency preparation  

dPlan|ArtsReady is an online tool for arts and cultural organizations to develop emergency preparedness and response plans. Requires an account; there are free and paid subscription levels

July 2023 Vermont Flood Resources 

Economic Impact

Visit the Vermont Creative Network Research page for a more extensive compilation of research about creative economy in Vermont and nationally. 

Arts and Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) Results for Vermont 

Vermont’s AEP6 Economic Impact Calculator 

2023 “Why the Arts Matter in Vermont” Fact Sheet from Americans for the Arts. 

US Bureau of Economic Analysis research on Vermont’s arts and cultural sector’s economic impact (2022)  


Visit the Vermont Arts Council’s Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) page for a more extensive compilation of equity resources in Vermont  

Vermont Office of Racial Equity 

Programs and trainings from Arts Equity, a national nonprofit focused on equity in the arts 

Inclusive Language Guide from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) 

Evaluation and Outcomes

Getting Started with Program Evaluation for Arts Organizations from the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies (NASAA) 

Evaluation and Measurement of Outcomes from the National Council of Nonprofits 

Using the Results Based Accountability method from Clear Impact 

Financial Management

Financial Management resources from Common Good Vermont 

12 Golden Rules of Nonprofit Finance from Propel Nonprofit 

The Strong Nonprofits Toolkit  from the Wallace Foundation 

Funding Sources

Vermont Arts Council grants for organizations 

Other Funders: 

Vermont Community Foundation grants  

Vermont Humanities grants  

New England Foundation for the Arts grants for organizations 

National Endowment for the Arts grants page 


Fundraising & Development from Common Good Vermont 

Nonprofit Fundraising: Guidelines and Resources from the Management Library 

Fundraising and Resource Development articles from the National Council of Nonprofits 

Fundraising-related posts from Andy Robinson’s “Train Your Board” blog Train Your Board  

Hiring and Human Resources

Use the Vermont Arts Council’s classified ads section to post job opportunities for free 

Human Resources 101 from Common Good Vermont 

Human Resources articles from the Management Library 

Managing Nonprofit Employees from the National Council on Nonprofits 

Sample nonprofit job descriptions from the Bridgespan Group 

Creating Your Compensation Policy from the Advisory Board for the Arts  

Vermont Nonprofit Consultant Directory from Common Good Vermont

Historic Preservation

The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation 

Preservation Trust of Vermont 

Vermont Division for Historic Preservation 


The Vermont Law & Graduate School’s Vermont Small Business Law Center provides free consultations, referrals and educational events for small business (including nonprofits).  

How to Start a Nonprofit from the National Council of Nonprofits   

Legal requirements for ethical conduct from the National Council of Nonprofits    

Marketing and Communications

Marketing and Communications articles from the National Council of Nonprofits   

5 Ways to Strengthen Arts Marketing from Arts Midwest  

Marketing Toolkit for Artists and Arts Organizations from the City of Tacoma 

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning from Common Good Vermont 

Strategic Planning for Nonprofits from the National Council of Nonprofits 

BoardSource’s strategic planning resources for nonprofit boards 

The Strategic Plan is Dead: Long Live Strategy from the Stanford Social Innovation Review 

admin-place August 8, 2014